Classes & Tuition Information

In the Classroom

In each classroom experience there is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher that runs the day and facilitates large group activities such as circle time. In addition to the teacher, there are also several parents present to assist in supervision and to lead small group activities such as arts & crafts, science projects and outside activities like gardening, sandbox and water play, bubbles and more.

A high ratio of adults to children helps ensure that each child’s needs are met, that discipline issues are kept to a minimum, and that children can feel secure, confident and well attended in their learning environment.

Our primary goal at LGPNS is for your child to thrive in their preschool experience. As such we will work to place them in the class that is appropriate for both their physical and emotional development.

Terrific Toddlers

(Age 12mo*-2yo)
Taught by Teacher Wendy
Meets Wednesdays from 3:45pm-5:00pm

Terrific Toddlers is the youngest class at LGPNS and meets every Wednesday afternoon. Parents have the unique opportunity to be a part of their child’s very first school experience and attend each class with their child.

The focus of this class is on social and emotional development. Toddlers have endless energy and curiosity. The Terrific Toddlers class encourages our littlest ones to actively explore their environment with confidence and autonomy.

We want our emerging preschoolers to learn that school and learning are magical!

Tuition: $135/month

Twos & Threes

(Age 2*-3)
Taught by Teacher Wendy
Meets T/Th from 8:30am-11:30am

In the Twos & Threes class, held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, children learn basic social and emotional development, language and communication skills, as well as pre-reading and cognitive skills.

Children are challenged with developmentally appropriate activities to promote these skills. Through play and simply having fun, we create a foundation for future emotional, social and academic success.

Tuition: $320/month

Threes & Fours

(Age 3*-4)
Taught by Teacher Kathy
Meets M/W/F from 8:30am-11:30am

The Threes & Fours class meets every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. Art, science, games, music, movement, and social times are all designed to support each developmental domain of the child, in a safe and nurturing environment.

Focus is on scaffolding their skills, fostering their self-esteem, empowering them to use their voice, and guide their self-regulation skills, which prepares them for the next level of their education and beyond.

Tuition: $450/month

Pre-K Program

(Age 4*-5)
Taught by Teacher Catherine
Meets M/T/W/Th from 12:30pm-3:30pm

Our incredibly special Pre-K program prepares children for elementary school by familiarizing them with the concepts and skills they will master in kindergarten.

LGPNS provides concrete, hands-on experiences in science, literacy, math, the arts, drama, public speaking, and music/movement.

We foster this growth in an atmosphere of encouragement and support where discovery, play, free choice activities and open ended learning opportunities build confidence, independence, curiosity, and empathy for others.

Tuition: $575/month

*Age as of September 1, 2024.

Little lunchers

(For Enrolled Threes & Fours
and Pre-K Students)
Taught by Teacher Kathy
Meets M-F from 11:30am-12:30pm

The brand new Little Lunchers program is offered to all students enrolled in the Threes & Fours or Pre-K classes. This program is an opportunity to have your Threes & Fours or Pre-K child(ren) enjoy an extra hour at school to eat their lunch and continue the fun of PLAY! Parents must work one day per week.

2 Days/Week - $102/month
3 Days/Week - $152/month
4 Days/Week - $204/month